Wednesday 18 November 2009

Interview sess 14/11/09

Self inflicted diseases

  • may lead to relapse or more expensive treatment - distress extending to family
  • only by dealing with these issues can we find a cause and help others in society
  • if pay tax then deserve treatment

  • limited resources require prioritisation with a balance of urgent and importany
How May Doctors promote good health

  • political route
  • setting example to patients
  • promoting and educating patients (GP advice on application)
  • leaflets and posters in clinic

Should doctors promote good health?

  • better to hear info from someone who knows what they are talking about
  • free to live their own life
What is holistic medicine?

treat the person, not the body
to find out the cause so it is not recurring and follow up on patients to see how their condition is progressing. Continual care - Think of example

What is the hardest part of the job

treatment sometimes fails
@ Frimley, the morning after a patient had died - the doctors were quite saddened and dissappointed because it is almost a failure but it was important to maintain composure to treat everyone else effectively.

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